Where to get a health insurance, how does it work and how much is it?

    • Tech companies often provide employees with a subsidized or free health insurance (also referred to as 'health plan' or as part of your 'benefits')
    • Many plans work the following way (simplified, might also be different for your plan):
      • Whenever you get your salary, your employer contributes a certain (often undisclosed) amount to your health plan and your pay your part by automatic deduction from your salary ('premium' - in my case around 80 USD/2 weeks, covering me and my wife) 
      • You have to pay all expenses up to a certain yearly limit ('deductible'), e.g. 2,500 USD, afterwards your insurance pays everything above or it requires cost sharing (see below)
      • These are the options in case the insurance requires 'cost sharing' (e.g. if you have met your deductible, in some cases also before):
        • You might have to pay for a certain percentage of your medical services ('co-insurance'), e.g. 20% of all expenses
        • You might have to pay a flat amount for a certain service ('copay),
          e.g. 20 USD for each visit to a doctor
      • But some services will always be paid by the insurance (e.g. preventive checkups), no matter if you have already met your deductible or not
      • The overall amount you have to pay per year (deductible + co-insurance + copay) is usually limited ('out-of-pocket limit')
      • Your insurance company most likely has a network of preferred doctors and hospitals ('in-network providers'), usually their services cost you less, than services by health providers outside of it ('out-of-network providers'), you might even have to pay the latter completely on your own
      • Your health insurance might enable you to divert tax-free money from your paycheck to a 'Health Savings Account' for health-related expense. It cannot be spend for anything else, but it is rolled over from year to year (this is the difference to 'Flexible Spending Accounts' other plans offer)
    • More information: