When you arrive in the Bay Area you don't necessarily know a lot of people. The culture in Silicon Valley is very open and newcomers are always welcomed and supported.
Getting connected to people can most easily happen through work, hobbies or your neighborhood community.
A few resources that may be helpful:
- Meetup - these are meetings organized by a group of individuals based on interests. There are plenty of meetups around technology topics. However, many of the groups also meet for leisure activities such as hiking or visiting concerts together.
- Business Associations such as the German American Business Association. They organize lots of events including a 'Stammtisch' open to the public.
- Your neighborhood. While Americans in the Bay Area value their privacy, there are still lots of opportunities to get to know your next door neighbors. Neighborhood associations such as the following are a good starting point: http://paneighborhoods.org/
As always, when you arrive in a new city or country, it takes time to find friends. However, entering existing circles of friends seem reasonably easy in the Valley.
Image by eVo photo via Flickr